Modelling and optimization of renewable energy systems for holistic community development of Nepal

PhD Candidate

Nawaraj Sanjel (

Supervisors / Advisors

Prof. Bivek Baral


1. To model and optimize demand and supply side of renewable energy technologies for rural context of Nepal.

2. To optimize the renewable energy mix for rural context of Nepal.

3. To analyze the role of renewable energy for holistic community development of a rural community of Nepal.


With the effective date of start of study from 22 May 2018, following progresses have been made so far:

- Developed and submitted research proposals to University Grant Commission (UGC) and ICIMOD

- UGC has granted Rs. 300,000.00 for the PhD research.

- Gorkha district has been selected as research site.

- Data collection template has been developed.

- First round of data collection from Gorkha district has been accomplished.

- The data has been analysed through analytical energy modelling and article has been drafted accordingly.

- Detail data analysis is on-going.

- Published 2 research papers (one in international journal and one in international conference)

- Participated 7 national and international conferences in the renewable energy sector.