MEPP 408
Maintenance Engineering
3 Cr.
Course objective:
Maintenance Engineering is a critical field of managerial and technical importance to national and international industry. The objective of this course is to develop the general rules and basic philosophies required to establish a sound maintenance engineering organization and to familiarize with various maintenance practices popular in Industries.
Module Details:
Module 1:
Introduction to Maintenance - Introduction. Need for maintenance. Types of maintenance: Corrective, Preventive and Predictive maintenance. Maintenance planning and Scheduling. Cost of maintenance versus cost of equipment and production delays. Inspection. Inspection intervals, inspectors, inspection reports, card system.
Module 2:
Predictive Maintenance - Introduction. Types of Predictive Maintenance. Condition Based Maintenance. Introduction to Condition Monitoring. Condition Monitoring Techniques. Failure. Failure Analysis Tools. Fault Tree Analysis. Failure Mode and Effect Analysis.
Module 3:
Computerized Maintenance - Introduction. Role of Computers in Maintenance. Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS). Functions and Working of CMMS.
Module 4:
Non-Destructive Testing - Liquid penetrants testing. Magnetic particles testing. Ultrasonic testing. Vibration analysis. Oil analysis. Radiographic testing.
Module 5:
Maintenance of Mechanical Drives - Bearings: Types. Inspection. Installation: Mounting and Dismounting. Failure Modes: Overheating, noise, vibration. Failure Causes and Solutions. Maintenance and Lubrication of Bearings. Chain drives and Sprocket: Introduction. Construction. Installation and Operation. Tension. Inspection. Failure Modes. Trouble shooting Maintenance and Lubrication. Belt drives: Tension in belts. Types. Installation and Inspection. Failure Modes. Troubleshooting and Maintenance of belt drives. Gear Drives: Types. Installation. Failure Modes. Inspection, Maintenance and Lubrication. Couplings. Rigid, flexible couplings. Installation & Alignment. Failure Modes. Inspection, Maintenance & Troubleshooting.
Module 6:
Maintenance of Fluid Power Systems – Pumps and Compressors. Types. Components. Installation, Operation and Performance factors. Inspection and Overhauling. Failure Modes, Maintenance and Troubleshooting. Control valves.
Module 7:
Safety Precautions - Fire protection, electrical danger, machine tool safety.
Module 8:
Protective Coating - Types of corrosion. Prevention methods. Coating systems. Cathodic protection.
Evaluation Scheme:
Final Evaluation – 75% and Internal Evaluation – 25%
Internal Evaluation Breakdown: Internal Assessments (10%), Maintenance Report (10%) and Presentations (5%)
Following books will be used as reference materials for this course.
1. Higgins & Mobely : Maintenance engineering Handbook
2. Richard D. Palmer: Maintenance Planning and Scheduling Handbook, McGraw Hill 1999
3. Terry Wireman: Preventive Maintenance, Reston Publishing Company, Prentice-Hall, Reston, Virginia, USA.
4. Miller & Blood: Modern Maintenance Management.
5. Stainer: Plant Engg Hand Book.
6. Morrow: Maintenance Engg. Hand Book.
7. Industrial Maintenance Managements: Sushil Kumar Srivastava, S Chand &Company.
8. Maintenance Engineering and Management: K.Venkataraman, Prentice Hall of India