MEEG 306

Heat Transfer

3 Cr.

Course Objective:

Heat Transfer provides the intermediate leeway ensuring free transition from fundamental science of thermodynamics and thermal energy to specific advance courses. It is based on analyzing the energy interaction in simple system to a more composite system making it more applied. The study spans from simple modes of heat transfer to industrially well know heat exchangers and concept of boilers and condensers.

Course Description:

1. Introduction and basic concepts:

Differentiating heat and temperature, thermodynamics and heat transfer; Evolutionary theories of heat transfer; terminologies and forms of energy; Energy Balances; Introduction to modes of heat transfer; Forms of energy; energy transfer by heat and work; energy efficiencies.

2. Conduction:

The conduction rate equation, thermal properties of matter, the heat diffusion equation, boundary and initial conditions. one and two-dimensional steady state conduction- plane wall, composite wall, temperature distribution, thermal resistance, contact resistance, cylindrical systems, spherical system, conduction with energy generation, a general conduction analysis, fins of uniform cross-section, fin performance, fins of non-uniform cross sectional area, overall surface efficiency.

3. Convection:

Convection boundary layers- velocity, thermal boundary layers, boundary layer similarity, physical significance of the dimensionless parameters, Heat transfer from flat plates and tubes, Empirical correlations for heat transfer in pipes and tubes. Correlations for flow across cylinders and tube banks, free convection from plates and cylinders.

4. Boiling and Condensation:

Boiling modes, Pool boiling, Forced-convection boiling, Condensation, Laminar and turbulent film condensation.

5. Heat exchangers:

Types of heat exchangers Overall heat transfer coefficient, Log mean temperature difference-parallel, counter flow heat exchangers, Heat exchanger analysis- the effectiveness-NTU method, Heat exchanger design considerations.

6. Radiative heat transfer:

Concept of black body radiation-The Planck distribution, Wein’s displacement law, Band emission. Radiation properties- emissivity, absorptivity and reflectivity. Kirchhoffs’ law, the gray surface, Environmental radiation. Radiation shape factors.


1. Cengel, Y.A & Ghajar A.J., “Heat and Mass Transfer”, McGraw Hill.

2. Cengel, Y.A, “Heat Transfer-A Practical Approach”

3. Incropera & DeWitt, “Fundamental of Heat and Mass Transfer”, John Wiley & Sons,

4. Holman, J.P., "Heat transfer- SI Metric Edition", McGraw Hill.

5. Balachandra, V. Kalekar & Robert M. Desmond, "Heat Transfer", PHI.

6. S.P. Sukhatme, "Heat Transfer", Oriental Longman.

7. Eckert & Drake, "Introduction to Heat & Mass Transfer", McGraw Hil

8. Kumar, D.S., “Heat and Mass Transfer”, S.K Kataria & Sons.

9. Rathore, M.M., “Engineering Heat and Mass Transfer”: Laxmi

Data Book:

1. Kothandaraman & Subramanyan, “Heat and Mass Transfer Data Book”, New Age International.