Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

Total credits: 3

1. Introduction (Properties of Fluid) 

1.1 Basic Concept and definitions of fluid mechanics

1.2 Properties of Fluid (Solid, Liquid and gas)

1.3 Application of fluid mechanics continuum concept

1.4 Effects of shear stress on solid

1.5 Types of fluid(Newtonian and Non-Newtonian, Plastic and Real fluid)

1.6 Concept of control volume

2. Physical Properties of Liquids 

2.1 Density (mass density, weight density, specific volume)

2.2 Surface tension and capillarity

2.3 Compressibility and Bulk Module

2.4 Viscosity and Newton’s Law of Viscosity

3. Pressure Measurement 

3.1 Pressure of a fluid

3.2 Pressure Head of a Liquid (Pressure depth relationship)

3.3 Pressure at a point and pressure relationship

3.4 Pascal’s Law

3.5 Measurement of pressure

3.6 Differential principle and its use

3.7 Bourdon Gauge

4. Hydrostatic Forces on Submerged Surfaces 

4.1 Total pressure and centre of pressure

4.2 Pressure on horizontally immersed surfaces

4.3 Pressure on vertically immersed and curved surfaces

4.4 Forces on gate, dams and other water retaining structures

5. Buoyancy and Flotation 

5.1 Concept

5.2 Thrust of immersed surfaces and Archimedes principles

5.3 Types of equilibrium of floating bodies

5.4 Metacentre and metacentric height and its determination

5.5 Fluid within a rigid body subjected to motion (acceleration and rotation)

6. Fluid Kinematics 

6.1 Langrangian and Eulerian approaches of describing fluid flows

6.2 Cartesian and polar coordinates

6.3 Discharge and mean velocity of flows

6.4 Types of flow lines (path lines, Streamline, streak line etc)

6.5 Types of fluid flow( steady and unsteady, uniform and non uniform with time and space criteria)

7. Dynamics of flows 

7.1 Various forces acting on a fluid

7.2 Euler’s equation of motion and its application

7.3 Derivation of Bernoulli’s equation from Euler’s equation

7.4 Energy of steady fluid flow

7.5 Bernoulli’s theorem

7.6 Introduction to Navier stokes equation

7.7 Flow past submerged bodies, drag and lift forces, drag on sphere and cylinder

7.8 Boundary layer definition, concept, thickness and theory

8. Flow Through Orifices 

8.1 Orifice flow(introduction, classification)

8.2 Application of Bernoulli’s equation to orifice flow, Discharge through orifices.

8.3 Orifice meter, Nozzle meter, Venturimeter

8.4 Principle of application to Notches and weir.

9. Momentum and other analysis 

9.1 Impulse-Momentum Equation and derivation

9.2 Application of impulse-momentum equation to calculate forces on pipe bend and reducers

9.3 Concept of angular momentum(moment of momentum)

9.4 Methods of dimensional analysis(Rayleigh’s methods, Buckingham’s theorem)

10. Introduction to Hydropower and Systems 

10.1 Brief overview of hydro-electric power plant and its classification

10.2 Turbine Classification and Selection of hydraulic turbines

10.3 Dynamic force and power of jet on stationary and moving plates

10.4 Euler’s turbine equation,

10.5 Velocity triangles / Vector diagrams for Pelton turbines and Reaction turbines

11. Design and Operation of Hydraulic Turbines 

11.1 Basic Hydraulic Design of Pelton Turbines

11.2 Basic Hydraulic Design of Francis Turbines

11.3 Operational Challenges and Sediment erosion

12. Introduction to Hydraulic Pumps 3

12.1 Classification and selection criteria

12.2 Flow characteristics

12.3 Design consideration of Centrifugal Pump

Text Books & Reference Books:

1) Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Engineering, Dr. D.S. Kumar

2) Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines, Dr. R.K. Bansal

3) Fluid Mechanics, Yunus A Cengel

4) Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, Robert W. Fox, Alan T. McDonald, Philip J. Pritchard