MEEG 301

Fluid Mechanics

3 Cr.

Course objectives

To develop a strong theoretical foundation in areas of fluid properties, fluid statics and dynamics, conservation equations. To apply these concepts for solving engineering problems.

Chapter 1 – Introduction and Basic Concepts (2 hours)

Introduction, fluid definition, applications of fluid mechanics, the no-slip condition, classification of fluids, systems and control volume, problem solving techniques

Chapter 2 - Properties of Fluids (4 hours)

Introduction, continuum, density and specific gravity, vapour pressure and cavitation, energy and specific heats, viscosity, surface tension and capillary effects

Chapter 3 – Pressure and Fluid Statics (6 hours)

Pressure, variation of pressure with depth, pressure measurement devices, buoyancy and stability, introduction to fluid statics, hydrostatic forces on submerged curved surfaces, buoyancy and stability

Chapter 4 – Fluid Kinematics (4 hours)

Lagrangian and Eulerian descriptions, material derivative, flow patterns and flow visualization, vorticity and rotationality, the stream function, velocity potential function, the Reynolds transport theorem

Chapter 5 – Mass, Bernoulli and energy equations (8 hours)

Introduction to conservation of mass and energy, mechanical energy and efficiency, the Bernoulli equation, derivation of Bernoulli equation, static, dynamic and stagnation pressures, limitations of use of Bernoulli equation, hydraulic and energy grade lines, general energy equation

Chapter 6 – Momentum analysis of Flow Systems (4 hours)

Newton’s laws, forces acting on a control volume, the linear momentum equation, review of rotational motion and angular momentum, the angular momentum equation

Chapter 7 – Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow (6 hours)

Introduction, the continuity equation, derivation using an infinitesimal control volume, the stream function, the navier-stokes equation, navier–stokes equation for incompressible, isothermal flow, exact solution of navier-stokes equation, approximate solutions for navier-stokes equation: the creeping flow, inviscid flow, irrotational flow, boundary layer approximation

Chapter 8 – Internal Flow (6 hours)

Introduction, definition of laminar and turbulent flows, reynolds number, entrance region, laminar flow in pipes analysis, Darcy- Weisbach equation, turbulent flow in pipes, Colebrook equation and Moddy chart, minor loss, piping networks and pump selection, flow measurement: pitot and pitot-static probes, obstruction flow meters (venture, nozzle, orifice), other flow measuring device: positive displacement, turbine flowmeter, rotameter.

Chapter 9 – External Flow (6 hours)

Introduction, drag and lift, friction and pressure drag, streamlining and flow separation, drag coefficients of some common geometries, parallel flow over flat plates, flow over cylinder and spheres, lift.


1. Cengel Y. A. and Cimbala J. M. Fluid Mechanics – Fundamentals and Applications. 2 Penn Plaza, New York: McGraw Hill Education.

2. Mitchell J. W. Fox and McDonald’s Introduction to Fluid Mechanics. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

3. White F. and Xue H. Fluid Mechanics. Avenue of the Americas, New York: McGraw LLC.

4. Bansal R. K. A textbook of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines. New Delhi, India: Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd.